The program supports the development of human resources and organizational management functions (Human Resource Management : HRM) and human resource development (Human Resource Development : HRD) including organizational development (Organization Development : OD) to align and integrate in the same direction as the operational strategies and goals of the organization.

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In human resource management (Human Resource Management:HRM)

Comprised of Organization Structure Module
1. Organization Structure Module (OSS)
2. Manpower Module (MS)
3. Recruitment Module (RS)
4. Personnel Module (PS)
5. Time Attendance Module (TAS)
6. Payroll Module (PRS)
7. Welfare & Benefit Module (W&BS)
8. Maintenance & Security Module (M&SS)

In human resource and organizational development (Human Resource and Organization Development: HROD)

Comprised of Corporate Planning Module, Career Development Module, Human Development Module, Performance Appraisal Module, Employee Self Service Module and Management Self Service Module

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or lead in a new direction We encourage you to go the extra mile.


1213/236-7 Town in Town Ladprao Road, Plubpla , Wangthonglang ,Bangkok 10310 Thailand
Tel: 02-934-4208


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